‘Tis the Season to Have Fun, While Being Active with Everyone

‘Tis the Season to Have Fun, While Being Active with Everyone

Holidays mean fun activities to look forward to and time with family and friends. The holidays are usually a wonderful time for all ages, but they are an especially important time for seniors. Festive social interactions, where friends or family come together to celebrate together, do wonders for mental health and keep feelings of loneliness…

Healthy Holidays

Healthy Holidays

The holidays are coming! Sometimes that can feel overwhelming as we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. As we gather with loved ones, take time for reflection and enjoy foods that connect us to the season or with our culture, we can feel joy and wellbeing. This is often a…

The Power of Inspiration

The Power of Inspiration

What is Inspiration?  The word inspiration is derived from the Latin inspirare which means “to breathe into.” The word also shares a connection with spirit, which comes from the Latin word for “breath,” spiritus, (which is also from spirare). When you are inspired, you are breathing life (i.e., passion, or motivation or desire) into an…

The Power of Optimism

The Power of Optimism

What is Optimism? Optimism is defined as hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome. It is a mental attitude characterized by hope and determination in success and a positive future. It impacts both our mental and physical well-being. The flipside of optimism is skepticism, a pessimistic attitude of doubt and suspicion. It’s important…

The Power of Awe

The Power of Awe

What is Awe? Awe is a feeling of appreciation, presence, contentment and well-being. It is a powerful emotion triggered by awareness of something vastly layered and produces mostly positive emotions, especially when you’re in the presence of something grandiose. Feelings of awe are highly beneficial to your overall health and can be experienced by examining…

Steps to Stronger Bones

Steps to Stronger Bones

Maintaining strong bones and joints are essential components to a healthy life as you age. Ideally, you would start building up bone strength during your 30’s and 40’s to prevent issues later in life. However, it is never too late to get started – you can still strengthen your bones regardless of your age. Weight…

Getting Active Isn’t Just About Adding Years to Your Life — It’s About Adding Life to Your Years!

Getting Active Isn’t Just About Adding Years to Your Life — It’s About Adding Life to Your Years!

A well-rounded exercise program provides you with many benefits and delivers the healthy results you want and need as you age. There are four types of exercise: Endurance, Strength, Balance, and Flexibility. Research has shown that it’s important to include all four in your workout routines. Doing one type will also improve your abilities in…